Mr Mukund M. Honkan is Chartered Accountant with 26 years of experience in finance functions. He worked with various sectors such as Manufacturing(Textiles,Steel & Cement), EPC,Logistic,Sports Infra.He was associated with prominent group such as ISPAT, INDORAMA , DODSAL & SETCO.He do have international working experience, worked at Ghana (West Africa) & Quatar (Middle East).

Our Team

Mr. K.S.Dave
President-Commercial(B.Com-Hons,L.L.B.)has a varied experience of 24 years in Shipping & Drilling companies. He has worked with Essar Oil, Jindal Drilling, Hitech Drilling (Tata group) and with Enron Oil & Gas (I) Ltd. He has been with the company for over 10 years. He is in charge of procurement.

President - TechnicalMr. Mohile is a Marine Engineer with a total work experience of over 40 years including over 27+ years of Sailing.He has a vast Shore experience in overseeing new building of vessels, like AHTS, PSV Accomodation Barges etc, and handling of these conventional drive vessel as well as diesel Electric drive vessels of DP1 & DP2 configuration.
Who We Are
Key Managerial Personnel
- The Late Padma Bhushan Dr. B. D. Garware
- Mr. Aditya A. Garware(Chairman - Promoter)
- Maneesha S. Shah {Promoter- Non Executive Director)
- Ms. Faisy Viju (NonExecutive- Independent Director)
- Mr.Jisupriya Guhathakurta (NonExecutive- Independent Director)
- Ms.SmitaD.Gaur Non (Executive- Independent Director)
- Mr.M.M.Honkan (Whole Time Director)
- A. C. Chandarana
B.Com., L.L.B., F.C.S - is a qualified Company Secretary. He is incharge of all Legal and Secreterial matters. He has varied experience of over 20 years in the field.
- M/S D. Kothary & Company
(Chartered Accountants)
- State Bank of India
- Punjab National Bank
Global Offshore Services Ltd. 3rd Floor, Prospect Chambers, D. N. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001.
Registrar & Share Transfer Agent :
Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd,
S6-2, 6th Floor, Pinnacle Business Park,
Next to Ahura Centre, Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri (East), Mumbai 400093
- BSE - 501848
- Aditya Garware (Chairman)
- Maneesha Shah (nee Garware) (Promoter-Non Independent – Non Executive)
- M. M. Honkan (Whole-Time Director)
- Jisupriya Guhathakurta (Independent Director)
- Mrs. Faisy Viju (Independent Director)
- Ms. Smita Durgadatt Gaur (Independent Director)
- Mr. P.S.Shah
- Mr. A.C.Chandarana